Contact Me


  Thanks for checking out my blog! :) My name is Olivia, and one reason I've started selling hair flowers is to provide girls with beautiful, realistic-looking hair accessories of high quality. I take pride in my work and really enjoy what I'm doing! Custom orders are accepted so you can finally own the hair flower accessory of your dreams that can be found no where else! I can also customize the hair flowers already available in the All products tab!

If you have any questions at all, please, feel free to e-mail me! If you'd like to make a purchase, you can do so by simply e-mailing me at! All orders and questions will be dealt with as soon as possible! I look forward to hearing from you!




  1. Wow! Oliva I love them!!!

  2. Sarah sent me. Your flowers are lovely.

    1. Aww that was sweet of her. :) Thank you; I'm glad you like them.
